miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

Summertime has gone

September is like Monday for me because when they arrive the daily routine takes place. But we have to keep out melancholy about summertime because as all things in life, summer has his pros and his cons. Leaving apart the huge number of pros, let’s see some of the cons: mosquitoes attack our skins to take a bloody drink and furthermore they celebrate their victory over us by buzzing our ears; if you took your vacation in a place never visited before by you or if you are a shy person and you haven’t travelled with friends or partner you are condemned to boredom and probably to watch gossip programmes as ‘Sálvame Deluxe’ or to play card games repetitiously with your family …; if you had an interesting romance and you lose the telephone number of your lover you will get furious with yourself and consequently sad, etc.

It is not easy to retake the routine and assume our duties, but the 2011/2012 season is up to start for all the students and in my opinion it is important when possible to evade us from our humdrum tasks and activities by giving us time and space to do what we want at our own. 

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