martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

When the bank kicked Francisca out of her home

9:00 am. Cartagena, Murcia.

Francisca was just sleeping in company of Jose Luis, her husband, when someone rang the doorbell.
They were jolted awoke and while Jose Luis started to cry, Francisca knelt down to the floor and crossed
herself. That morning was the moment in what their life had to be drastically changed. Their nieces, who were
sleeping with their parents, started to weep uncontrollably. The son of Francisca and Jose Luis got up on a hurry and took a rather old clemency dagger. Although his parents tried to stop him, he arrived to the door and opened it. He left the door opened and stepped back as he prepared himself to attack whoever enters
his home. The door began to open slowly until it appears the figure of a policeman holding firmly a document in his right hand. The policeman reported them that they had to leave the flat, due to the eviction ordered by the judge. The man was invited by the policeman to throw the dagger, but it was impossible to convince the man to do it. The daggerman insulted the policeman and he lunged at the policeman. As result of this, they both fell on the floor and the man plunged his dagger on the policeman's shoulder. The other four policemen
pushed the man against the wall and clubbed him for a half minute. Francisca and her daughter-in-law begged clemency for him, so the judge called to order as he took the order of eviction.
The man was arrested and the rest of the family took all their packed posessions to Jose Luis' boxcar. They
could not save all their furniture, except a sofa and an armchair, because they haven't a place to store all the things they had. With the assitance of the policemen, they moved all the things in two hours while the Bank representative was tranquilly smoking next to the doorway, checking that the process of eviction was going all right.
After the conclusion of the process, Francisca and her family were crying desperately while being on the park. The situation was apocalyptic because six people including two children lost their home. Nothing was to be done... Chaos, indignation, pain, uncertainity, unsecurity, ... All those sensations are indudably indescribable. All their lives had paralyzed since the moment they know that they would lose their home.
While the Bank is trying to sell the apartment, they survive thanks to the donations and supplies that some
NGO's and neighbours give to them, but terribly they have no place to live in, so they sleep and take refuge in Jose Luis' van.    

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

El pato curioso

Estando con un compañero por la Facultad, me asombré ante una curiosa estampa en los Jardines.
Llegó uno de esos llamados trotamundos, con su mochila y su perro, que pueden ser, de aquí, de allá
o de cualquier sitio. Hasta ahí nada fuera de lo normal, ya que el muchacho hizo parada en los jardines y
se sentó a pasar el rato allí junto a su perro. A los minutos como sacado de su sombrero, o de su mochila, el
caso es que apareción un pato bastante peculiar. El animalito parecía estar acostumbrado a pasear entre gente porque empezó a moverse de un lado para otro sin huir de toda la gente, sino todo lo contrario, le
gustaba la gente y se dejaba querer por los que se paraban a mirarle o a hacerle alguna carantoña. Me
hizo gracia la naturalidad con la que paseaba el pato entre la gente y de hecho parecía el mundo al revés.
El caso es que el pato campaba a sus anchas por allí y todo el mundo se acercaba a él o le miraban de
refilón y con curiosidad y que es algo curioso, ver un pato domesticado y que vaya detrás de las personas
y le guste.Una imagen bastante curiosa y simpática la del pato rondando a la gente.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Espectacular vuelo estratosférico

No pude evitar sentir una profunda emoción cuando vi en directo por la televisión que Felix Baumgartner, enfundado en un traje aeroespacial, se disponía a saltar desde la sonda ni más ni menos que ¡a casi 40000 metros de altitud! Imaginad que sensaciones debió tener el protagonista mientras realizaba su vuelo aeréo, porque de seguro que hasta para un experto paracaidista debe ser algo indescriptible llegar a volar en picado sobrepasando la velocidad de la luz. Los primeros compases del salto sembraron a su familia y espectadores de desconcierto y preocupación, al comprobar como el cuerpo, como si fuera un muñeco empezó a virar en todas direcciones sin control. Pero ya pasados esos instantes críticos, su cuerpo quedó enfilado boca abajo, cual bala al ser disparada y prosiguió con su frenético ritmo de descenso. Tras el épico vuelo de nuestro intrépido Dédalo, accionó el paracaidas para iniciar la operación de aterrizaje. Su hazaña le ha valido la victoria del record de altura en salto, el de distancia recorrida en globo y el de velocidad en caída libre. Es un hecho que sin duda pasará a la Historia de la humanidad.